Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh, Saturday....

Saturday afternoon Chris and i went on the KanarraFalls hike. it was just marvelous. and as we sat down to lunch atop the waterfall you can slide down. i asked him to be my boyfriend. aaaand he said yes. so. we are official now. and we've been together for 2 days. and i am just enthralled. Chris and i went to church together sunday as well.. it was wonderful. i couldn't stop smiling or get enough of holding his hand. it was rather ridiculous really... if you would have been looking at me in that moment.
aaaand i have to write a letter to the school in order to be readmitted. i asked the girl twice who i was supposed to adress it to, but completely forgot. so now i don't know what to do. i'll figure it out somehow.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Working Out....

ugh.. i worked out yesterday. and i am SO sore. but in the right places! love handles! yyyeah! i can't figure out how to work out my inner thighs though. i would really like to.
i had a day the other day that i just cried cause when i put my pants on they were really tight in the thighs and they have never fit like that before. oh well. i'll get over it. i was embarassed cause i cried to chris about it. haha he said he wouldn't care if i gained another 100 lbs. and i think that might happen pretty soon. so shall see... we ... shall ... see.

lyrics of the day:
this song is super powerful. it hit me really hard because it kind of describes me a few years ago. some choices i made. it's beautiful. and i love it. how do you feel about it?

"the man on stage who shouts and sings as if he could proove something. A fallen leaf sat upon my neck and whispered in my ear 'dyin is half the fun of livin, if the living's not in fear' and you can sing your days away but they may never quite get why ... it is most sensible to smile and cry at the same time. to wrap around your sorrow in a warm welcome hug. hate is a strong word, but darlin so is love. both the children of passion split by a thin thin line. a tightrope we all walk along but some fall to either side.. cause you love to hate and hate to love and nothin inbetween. well honey that just means you are the opposite of me. cause i love to love and i love to love and honestly i couldn't hate a thing.. no no let me correct myself.. i love everyone in the world but me. i'll change my head to a steppin stone for all to walk upon ... i'm singin this song with no guitar so you'll just listen to me ... the truth how it really is. now i'll just speak these next two lines all soft and slow so you can let it sink in.. the difference between us my friends, i can see it in your eyes. you're glad that you're not dead yet and i'm just happy to be alive."

-Matthew Gilbert

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Best Friend.

kitty loves chicken nuggets.

Last Night.

some interesting things happened on my way home from st. george last night.

first off i almost hit some strange dark animal who ran across the street.

second when i got the green arrow to turn left onto the freeway a white car sped through their red light and there was a car next to me who went and if i would have stayed just behind him i would have gotten in a serious wreck. so someone is watchign out for me telling me to take my time when driving, i guess. haha. and i was talking to Chris Frehner (i have yet to tell Jodi about this source of smiles of mine) so, sorry.. but i will... soon. and you'll meet him on the 4th of July. =D
anyway.. and then i was driving on the freeway going between 65 and 80 cause i was tired and didn't want to go too fast. and then for 2 seconds i guess i was going 82 and got pulled over. he let me off with a warning. thank goodness.

and i had to pass a diesel(sp?) on the right and a truck on the right cause they weren't moving.
over all i had a really strange drive home.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

ART1050, ENGL2010, HIST1700

possibly going back to school in the fall.

At Weeks End.

the heat makes me lazier than normal.
and i don't know how to blog.

Valencia, Treaty Of Paris, and 1997 all played in st. george and Brett and i went. On the way home she ran over a log. no flats, luckily. and i guess if you are not a hardcore band and you play in southern utah.. no one will come to your shows. cause there was maybe 20 people there, tops.

7:005 pm on friday night I got a comment on myspace from my friend getting married in August. It said "i hope to see you tonight!" and slightly confused i quickly texted her and commented her back. she responded informing me that tonight was her bridal shower. (that i was already 5 minutes late for.) i hollered upstairs to my mother and asked "mom? did i get anything in the mail?" and she was like "oh, yeah from jana davis, why?" i was like "uuhh well val's bridal shower started 5 minutes ago" and because i never ever get mail i never checked.. but i guess it had been up on the counter for about a week and i was never informed it came.. then slowly other mail got piled on top of it. her theme for the shower was 'firsts' and i got first summer and luckily i had an unopened swim ring i could throw in a bag and give her. and that's what i did. i was only like 20 mins late. so it all worked out. but i guess communication in my house hasn't drastically improved.. but improved, anyway.

oh and on the way home i heard my car make a ridiculous noise and i knew exactly what it was. Flat tire. i tend to get a lot of those. so i had to call my daddy to come help. i wanted to do it myself but i didn't want to break anything. so i chickened out.

on friday night val and joni and i all went for a ride on a Rhino? some vehicle that is a golf cart and hefty quad combined. it was sweet.

oh and last night i talked on the phone for 3 hours to my source of smiles. it was great. i'm great.