Friday, December 18, 2009

It begins again.

I slack hardcore on blogging. How long has it been since my last? a year? probably.

I've had loads of new happenings, shortcomings, tragedies, and celebration worthy occurances.
I'll make a list. Don't bother checking it twice, i won't mind.
-The return of Spirituality in my life.
-The loss of a love on it's way to perfection... all because of my selfish actions.
-Sorrow consumes me nightly, i lie awake, praying for peace.
-My heart soars whenever he phones. whenever we touch. whenever he smiles. oh, how i miss him so.
-the pain i feel, is almost unbearable at times.
-shortcomings would include my increasing cheeseyness of this blog. right?
-Symbolism weekly, once again i'm able to partake.
-'Fear not. Ask questions. and DOUBT NOT."
-'Don't be so concerned about the one you are looking for, but about your own perfection.' (i often lose sight of that and focus on the one i hope to return.)
- ''To be or not to be, That is NOT the question. Hamlet should have said 'knowing that i am a child of god, how can i live up to that potential?' THAT is the question.!''
-President Uctdorf is probably one of my favorite people. (the 3 quotes above are from him.)
-Clothes still clutter my bedroom floor 80% of the time.
-at least i cut 19% off from the previous year.
-My darling Kitty's health is failing. I'm scared... i'm scared.
-Christmas lies in wait, 7 days to go. "Seattle, I'm coming!"
-Patriarchal blessing. less than 1 month away. I'm sure of it.
-Semester GPA 3.4
-Muscle mass... Increased.
-Parking ticket. ugh..
-Best feeling over all, knowing that as long as i am living righteously, following all of God's commandments, true happiness is in my future. And I trust the Lord. How can i NOT be excited for what lies ahead?