Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nothing to post about other than what you have already heard.

sorry i don't post much. there just isn't much going on. other than chris and i are happy.. and.. i can register for classes now. but i have to go talk to Dan Frezza in the Art dept. Gonna try out photography as a major for a while. i found out today that i have to take a math placement test since it's been 2 years since i took a math class. so maybe i'll do bad on purpose so i can take easier math classes. hahaha. i kid i kid..
i don't know how you all do the pictures on the side and stuff on here. so help me out? haha. you know what i'm talking about? like the separate column on the right hand side? no? ok well whatev.

i just called the hitch 'n' post. everyone cross your fingers and pray for me that the girl that works there that left doesn't come back so i can have her job. haha.


Jodi Jo said...

Stace, I am so glad that you have decided to go back to college. It makes me very proud of you. That darn Chris was around every second that you were awake while we were down there, so we didn't have any sisterly time to chat. Maybe we'll get around to it... As for getting your pictures on the side, got to layout on the dashboard screen and click on add a feature or something like that. It list all the things you can do in a little pop-up.

Todd and Susie said...

Come over sometime or grab me when I come to your house and I can show you all sorts of exciting widgets for the blog pages... And I hope you get the job so that animals can be left there in safe hands. Schatzie came back from that place and she was sick for 2 weeks. maybe you can institute some well-animal reforms. haha.