Friday, July 11, 2008

2 am?.... honestly.

yeah... i shampooed the carpet in my room. it's redder than ever. i shampooed the walls too. i moved my room around and in the process re dirtied the floor. so i have to re vaccuum shampoo the visible places. that won't be as bad. where my dresser is with the mirror on it is a bit unsettling.. i don't know why. not very feng shui. so it kind of bugs me.

Oh! and in new harmony, chris grandpa found this baby deer next to his mother who died. so they took it home they are raising it out there and i got to take it on a tiny walk and feed it a couple bottles last weekend! He didn't want to go on a walk with me very badly but when chris' uncle showed up baby deer sprinted straight over to him and started rubbing his face on his uncle's legs. it was one of the cutest things i've ever witnessed. (his uncle is the one who feeds the deer every day and takes it on walks.)

how i met the deer was the best part. Chris told me had a surprise for me and i was like 'it's not a bunch of dead animals again, is it? (cause the first time he had a surprise for me it was a museum of all the animals his grandpa had hunted. it was awesome at first then i started thinking about it and got way depressed) anyway.. when i got to new harmony he drove me over to his grandpa's shop thing behind the house. and covered my eyes with his hand. he lead me through the door and over to this spot then turned me around and said look! i opened my eyes and there were loads of deer heads and moose heads and other dead animal's heads up on the wall and said 'ohh.. yeah .. neat' (trying to sound excited) but then chris said "luckily that's not the real surprise" and turned me around. There he was. tiny spotted and looking up at me. he took my breath away. instantly i squealed with excitement. i'd never pet a deer before. or been this close to one. so i was happy to the extreme. oh it was cute. he is cute. i get to see him again next weekend i think. i'll try to get a better picture of us together. hehe. maybe i'll let chris be in the picture, too. we'll see how it goes.


Jodi Jo said...

Don't sweat it about the games, I think Damon sold his N64. What he didn't sell, he donated to his mom's house. No worries. Leslie Reder told me that you gave her my site. Thank you very much. I am excited to see her again.

Stephanie said...

That deer is sooooo cute.